
Three Types of Pool Cleaners

These are the newest, most popular and most technologically advanced automatic pool cleaners on the market. Robotic cleaners are self-contained and operate independently from your filter system. The majority of these cleaners can calculate the size and contours of your swimming pool and can clean the entire vessel within a short period of time. Typical robotic cleaners will carry a bag or cartridge system to collect debris. The electric motors in these cleaners run on low-voltage power and simply plug into ground fault protected outlets. These cleaners are more popular in southern regions because an automatic cover is rarely used. Features to look for include a user-friendly control panel that will allow you to input your pool's specifications for cleaning customization, a wireless remote control, a sensor that can tell you when the filter/bag requires cleaning and energy-saving cleaning cycles.

Suction automated cleaners have fewer bells and whistles than their robotic counterparts and are correspondingly more affordable. They are a very effective method of cleaning above-ground pools and are the popular choice among do-it-yourselfers. Suction pool cleaners plug into your swimming pool skimmer and work off the suction of your pool's filter system; dirt and debris is sent directly to your filter. Because suction automatic cleaners draw water through the filter system, the circulation of your pool improves with their use. Some of the drawbacks include the physical labor, the potential to clog the filter and remembering which valve to open or close. Features to look for include easy installation and maintenance; removal of pebbles in addition to dirt, debris and leaves; and quiet operation. If you want the kids to get involved with the cleaning, look for a colorful vacuum head or one in the shape of an animal (bug, whale, etc...).

Pressure-side cleaners plug into your return jet or use a separate booster pump and line. These pool cleaners use pressure from the return side of your swimming pool's filter system to move the cleaner around the pool. Pressure side cleaners work very well in northern regions and in areas with a lot of foliage. They especially work well in conjunction with an automatic pool cover. All debris is collected into the cleaner's bag, not your filter, keeping your filtration system clean and clear. Features to look for include quick installation, a cleaner that will vacuum the bottom as well as sweep the debris and a detachable bag that can contain larger debris like leaves and twigs.

Considering all the hard work your cleaner will be doing, a lot of pool owners will give their cleaners a “name” and welcome them to the family.


Congrats to Pentair

Pentair was voted the 2nd place winner at the Pool Spa Patio Expo in the category of 'Best Green Product' for the IntelliFlo Variable-Speed Pumps.

Energy savings equals money savings.